Terms of Business
Our terms of business for clerking solutions in London for Barristers and Solicitors

Terms of business
1 Information about the Service Provider
1.1 The Service Provider is Lee Parkes t/a Aaramis business solutions, whose (“we”, “us”, “our”) .Our principal place of business is No.1 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR. where any complaints or requests for information should be addressed. Alternatively we may be contacted by telephone on (020) 7293 0022 or by email at lp@aaramis.co.uk
2 Definitions
2.1 “You” and “your” are references to the recipient of the Service as specified on the Service Agreement.
2.2 Any references to “clause” or “clauses” are to clauses of the service agreement.
3 Charges
3.1 This agreement will commence on the date specified on the Service Agreement and will continue until terminated in accordance with clause 5 below.
3.2 Monthly fees are payable in advance and percentages received on fees are billed in arrears. Payment will be by monthly banker’s transfer or standing order, arrangements for which will have to be in place before the Service commences.
3.3 Expenses and disbursements incurred are not included within the clerking Service Agreement and will be charged separately as and when incurred, payment for which will be due no later than 14 days after submission of invoice.
4 Fee Collection Service
4.1 The Fee Collection Service may be provided as a standalone solution.
4.2 Should you wish us to chase fee notes which were not generated by us originally the following conditions shall apply:
4.2.1 We may accept or reject totally at our discretion any fee note that you submit to us for collection. Fee notes over six months old and Legal Aid or CPS fee notes will not be accepted in any circumstances
4.2.2 It is a condition of us accepting such fee notes for collection that you provide us with valid and accurate fee notes which correctly reflect the status and value of the debt. You must supply a full history for each fee note that you wish us to collect on your behalf. We shall not be held responsible should the information you have provided prove to be false or inaccurate we accept no responsibility for any counterclaim which may result from actions by us made in reliance of such information.
4.3 If after three months we are unable to collect the debt we will consult with you as to whether you wish the matter to be passed on to a debt collector and our responsibility for chasing the debt will end immediately at this point.
4.4 We can pass the matter on to a debt collector on your behalf or you may choose to arrange your own. Should you decide to pass the matter on to debt collectors you will be entering into a new contract which we will not be a party to and they will agree with you directly their fees for the services. If you ask us to arrange a firm of debt collectors for you they currently charge 10% of any sum recovered as their fee.
5 Termination
5.1 Either party may terminate this agreement In line with the signed Service Agreement In writing in advance of the first day of the month.
5.2 Should it be shown that you have acted in an unreasonable manner towards any Staff or client of Aaramis we will be entitled to terminate the service with immediate effect.
5.3 You shall not at any time on or after termination of this agreement without our prior written permission contact clients referred to you by Aaramis.
5.4 Clauses
5.3, 6.1, 8.1 and 9.1 shall survive termination of this agreement.
6 Trade Marks
6.1 You shall not use the logo or trade under the name Aaramis without our written permission.
7 Confidentiality
7.1 You shall not discuss or read private and confidential matters concerning legal work in public places.
8 Third parties
8.1 For the purposes of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 this agreement is not intended to, and does not, give any person who is not a party to it any right to enforce any of its provisions.
9 Law and Jurisdiction
9.1 The validity, construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed by English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to which the parties submit.
9th January 2018